the march sale is closed

Today’s Pay It Forward Giveaway benefits the Athens Symphony Orchestra. David has been a member of the cello section for several years now, and every Monday night before he goes to rehearsal he tells me how excited he is to go. This orchestra is a true community orchestra - with everyone from high school kids to members who are in their 90s and have been in the orchestra since it began more than 40 years ago. We love supporting the Athens Symphony Orchestra because their concerts are free, and they bring beautiful classical and popular music to our community with incredible skill. We want community arts organizations like this orchestra to thrive. The ASO’s spring concert is March 24 and will feature music from Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein, and you should get tickets if you are local! David will be right near the front :)

If you would like to participate in our Pay It Forward Giveaway, enter your information in the submission form below. If you are selected, you will have 24 hours to send us your shipping address, and we encourage you to make an undisclosed donation to the Athens Symphony Orchestra - any amount that fits your budget. Our Pay It Forward offerings are our attempt to get knives to our customers who may have more restricted budgets (but anyone may participate!) and also give back to our community. Thank you for helping us do this!

150mm Mystery Burl Nakiri


Blade: Roller bearing @ HRC 64

Handle: Buckeye burl ferrule, copper spacer, mystery burl octagonal handle.

Notes: 169g. 52mm deep. Mustard patina.

Sources: Steel - Roller bearing, machine shop, Birmingham, Alabama.
Mystery burl - Twin Lakes, Michigan.
Buckeye burl - customer gift.